Finding VM with Fixed or Round Robin MultiPath Policy

Finding VM with Fixed or Round Robin MultiPath Policy

Managing storage paths for virtual machines (VMs) in complex virtual environments can become challenging. Path selection policies like RoundRobin or Fixed are crucial for optimizing resource utilization and ensuring high availability. However, altering these policies across multiple VMs manually can be time-consuming. Here’s a step-by-step guide on using VMware PowerCLI to identify VMs using either RoundRobin or Fixed path selection and potentially modify them.

Objective: In some cases, we need to change the Path Selection from RoundRobin to Fixed or vice versa, It is quite difficult to check each VM and change their RDM path policy.

VM RDM Path Selection


PowerCLI, a command-line interface for VMware, provides a simple yet powerful way to script tasks. The following script segments help identify VMs with specific path selection policies:

1-Find all VMs with Fixed Selection Path

Get-VM | Get-HardDisk | Where-Object {$_.DiskType -like “Raw*”} | Where-Object {$_.MultipathPolicy -notlike "RoundRobin"} | Select @{N=”VMName”;E={$_.Parent}},Name

2-Find all VMs with RoundRobin Selection Path

Get-VM | Get-HardDisk | Where-Object {$_.DiskType -like “Raw*”} | Where-Object {$_.MultipathPolicy -notlike "Fixed"} | Select @{N=”VMName”;E={$_.Parent}},Name

To export the results to a CSV file:

| Export-Csv C:\RDM-list.csv -NoTypeInformation


VMName Name
VM1 Hard disk 13
VM2 Hard disk 4
VM3 Hard disk 7
VM4 Hard disk 1


Automating the identification of VMs using specific path selection policies through PowerCLI simplifies the management of storage configurations in VMware environments. This approach enhances efficiency, allowing administrators to identify VMs requiring policy modifications without manual intervention swiftly.

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